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美国Marrone Bio Innovations(MBI)公司代表来“中心”参观考察

发布日期:2012-02-21  来源:研究生班  作者:李利   点击量:
   2012年2月21日上午,美国Marrone Bio Innovations (MBI)业务副总裁Nick Macris等一行三人来无公害农药研究服务中心参观考察,受到了“中心”主任张兴教授的热情接待。
张兴教授对Nick Macris 等一行的来访表示欢迎。张兴教授介绍了“中心”的概况,并着重向来客介绍了具有独特作用的植物源农药,希望双方在生物农药的研制方面开展交流,建立合作的桥梁,增进两国在生物农药研发领域的交流与合作。随后,双方就植物源农药相关问题进行了深入的讨论,并达成了初步的合作协议。
随后,在“中心”科研部副部长马志卿副教授的陪同下,Nick Macris 等一行参观了“中心”实验室及农药学教学实习基地。

Introducation Marrone Bio Innovations: Marrone Bio Innovations Inc. is a leading global provider of natural products for pest management in the agricultural and water treatment markets. Its effective and environmentally friendly natural agricultural products provide higher yields and quality while managing pesticide resistance and residues. Through its proprietary discovery and development platform and strategically in licensed technologies, MBI has developed a pipeline of advanced and early-stage products for significant agricultural and water treatment markets. MBI is selling its award-winning Regalia® biofungicide in the U.S. and other countries, is launching Grandevo™ bioinsecticide and has recently received EPA approval for Zequanox™ for controlling invasive aquatic mussels in fresh waterways. MBI currently has three dozen patents pending in the U.S. and globally.


作者:李利    来源:研究生班