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Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety ∣农药“中心”杀虫剂课题组在雷公藤生物碱

发布日期:2018-01-12  来源:研究生班  作者:高江涛   点击量:
  农药“中心”杀虫剂课题组在雷公藤生物碱杀虫作用机理研究中取得进展。近日,Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety杂志在线发表了农药“中心”杀虫剂课题组题为“Comparative studies on muscle microstructure and ultrastructure of Mythimna separata Walker treated with wilforgine and chlorantraniliprole”研究论文。该文第一作者为马树杰博士研究生,通讯作者为马志卿教授。
We attempted to elucidate the comparative effects between wilforgine and chlorantraniliprole on the microstructure/ultrastructure of muscle tissue in Mythimna separate larvae. The typical toxicity symptoms of M. separata larvae upon wilforgine treatment was feeding cessation and flaccid paralysis, whereas feeding cessation and contraction paralysis were the main poisoning symptoms wrought by chlorantraniliprole. Light-microscopy observations showed that the microstructure of muscle tissue could be damaged by wilforgine and chlorantraniliprole, and the death of insects was associated with muscle lesions. Muscle tissue was loose after wilforgine treatment but constricted muscle tissue was observed upon chlorantraniliprole treatment. Transmission electron microscopy showed that wilforgine and chlorantraniliprole could disrupt endomembranes and plasma membranes. These results suggest that wilforgine can induce microstructural and ultrastructural changes in the muscles of M. separata larvae; the sites of action are proposed to be calcium receptors or channels in the muscular system.
Key words: Wilforgine, chlorantraniliprole, Mythimna separata, muscle tissue, histopathological features, insecticidal mechanism  


作者:高江涛    来源:研究生班